Through the French Canals
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  • Through the French Canals

Through the French Canals

En langue anglaise
The Complete Planning Guide to Cruising the French Waterways

Data sheet

2021 - 14h edition
David Jefferson
En langue anglaise

Specific References

Description détaillée

Through the French Canals has probably tempted more people to explore the beautiful waterways of France than any other book. First published in 1970, it's been the key authoritative title on cruising the French canals ever since.

The revised new edition is the essential comprehensive planning guide for anyone wanting to cruise through the French waterways or take their boat from the English Channel through to the Mediterranean via the inland route. It includes: over 50 routes fully described and illustrated, with positions of locks, towns and villages through routes from the English Channel and Atlantic to the Mediterranean, plus distances, and assessment of suitable boats for the canals. It also provides dimensions of locks and operating times, details of bridge heights, canal depths, fuelling points, waterway signals, a guide to the cost of living, shopping and stores, sources of weather information, haltes for overnight stops, and ports de plaisance.

As well as new photography, the new edition is updated throughout with new information on local facilities, new haltes and ports de plaisance, new VNF License fees, revisions to cruise hire companies, updated references to holding tanks, the availability of diesel and costs of cruising and much more.

Part Number: INL0230
Edition: 202
ISBN: 978147298176
Publisher: Bloomsbur
Imprint: Adlard Coles
Language: Englis
Author: David Jefferson
Format: Paperback
