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Guide nautique en langue anglaise.
This fully updated 6th edition has had'a complete facelift and is now published in full colour in a new format.
Throughout, the work has been updated, and in places expanded. It now includes a list of useful waypoints and routes for the entire Mediterranean which are shown on overprinted charts folded into the back of the book.
The Mediterranean Cruising Handbook is a constant companion to the Imray Mediterranean Almanac and provides information on climate, equ'pment, radio, naviagation, routes to the Mediterranean, history, marine life, food'and basic information on each Mediterranean country.
Part Number : pIL0510
Edition : 2012
ISBN : 9781846231704
Publisher : Imray Laurie Norie And Wil'on Ltd
Author(s) : Lucinda Heikell, Rod Heikell
Author : No
Format : paperback