The nautical guide to prepare your sailing.
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With updated plans, many d'awing on Antares surveys, new ground level photographs, and'a fully revised text, this new edition offers the "test" pilotage that is available for the "test" of the Kintyre peninsula, Islay, Jura, Mull, the Small Isles, and'adjacent coasts north to Fort William and'ardiamurchan.
"Anyone famil ar with Imray pilots will find their usual superb standard maintained here. This book is essential for cruising these waters and holders of the older edition might well consider an upgrade". Mike Ferro, Cruising Magazine.
Supplements are available to d'wnl'ad from the club's website - www.clyde.org
Part Number: PIL0330
Edition: 2018
ISBN: 9781846239021
Publisher: Imray Laurie Norie And Wil'on Ltd
Author: Clyde Cruising Club
Format: Spiralbound