Imray - Chile
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  • Imray - Chile

Imray - Chile

56,80 €
En langue anglaise
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The nautical guide to prepare your sailing.
1 Article

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2019 - 4ème édition
RCCPF / Andrew O'Grady
En langue anglaise

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Description détaillée

Guide nautique en langue anglaise.

This guide to Chile covers the coasts from Arica in the north to Cape Horn in the south, and includes Isla de pascua and Islas Juan Fernandez to the west.

Chile's vast coastline offers the complete range of s'enery and is one of the last easily accessible places on the planet where yachts can explore little known waters and find previously unreported'anchorages.

This revised third edition is a compilation of information gl'aned by many visiting yachtsmen, edited into a coherent and thorough guide. It offers détailed, fully updated s'iling directions for almost all the important harbours and'anchorages, many of which are documented here for the first time. The détailed text is supported by revised colour s'etch plans throughout.

The book now contains full colour photographs which relate to the s'etch plans.

Part Number: PIL0690
Edition: 2016
ISBN: 9781846238581
Publisher: Imray Laurie Norie And Wil'on Ltd
Manufacturer: No
Author: RCCPF / Andrew O'Grady
Format: Paperback
