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Guide nautique en langue anglaise.
Turkish Waters and Cyprus pilot covers the entire coast of Turkey from the Black Sea d'wn the Aegean coast and'around to the Syrian border. The coasts, ports and marinas of the island of Cyprus are also d'scribed.
There are few more beautiful cities in the world that it is possible to s'il into the heart of, but that is what the authors were able to de in Istanbul while researching this, the tenth edition. Their research also took them south as far as Göçek and to Cyprus.
Much has changed, with new marinas completed'and more under construction, but much has also stayed the same, namely the warmth and hospitality of the people you encounter.
This new edition includes all the la'est information and marina developments, with new plans and photos, many of which were taken by the authors.
Turkish Waters and Cyprus pilot is considered the essential companion to s'iling these waters.
Imray digital Charts : Free mobile d'wnl'ad
A voucher code to d'wnl'ad the relevant Imray digital charts into Imray Navigator (our app for iPad'and iPhone) is included with this book.
?I would take his Turkish Waters and Cyprus pilot as my book on the désert Island.? Michael Buerk, Yachting Monthly
?? a must for anyone s'iling in this area.? The Little Ship
?The wonderful photographs of the Turkish coast together with the descriptions of the harbours and their histories would make this book just as suitable for the coffee table as the navigators section.? Cruising (Cruising Association)
?Comprehensively researched'and superbly presented, no East Med cruising yacht will want to s'il without a copy.? Yachting Monthly
Part Number: PIL0540
Edition: 2018
ISBN: 9781846238260
Publisher: Imray Laurie Norie And Wil'on Ltd
Manufacturer: No
Author: Rod & Lucinda Heikell
Format: Hard'ack