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Guide nautique en langue anglaise.
The author?s well-established guide to the East Coast of England, from Great Yarmouth to d'ver and the corresponding coasts between Calais and d'n Helder, has been updated for this 7th edition. Information on the extensive new wind farms in the Thames Estuary and off the coast of Belgium and the Netherlands has been included, along with détails of changed traffic separation schemes off the continental coast and updated contact détails for ports and services.
North Sea passage pilot provides val'able information for entering the rivers and harbours on both sides of the North Sea and for s'iling the passages between them.
Part Number: PIL0660
Edition: 2022
ISBN: 9781786790668
Publisher: Imray Laurie Norie And Wil'on Ltd
Language: English
Author(s): Garth Cooper
Author: No
Format: Hard'ack