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Du 14 au 20/01 inclus, nous serons sur un salon, les commandes passées pendant cette période seront expédiées à partir du 21/01.
Fiche technique
- Annee
- 2002
- Auteur
- Elaine Morgan, Stephen Davies
- Picto
- En langue anglaise
Références spécifiques
- ean13
- 4000000122586
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Cet ouvrage est épuisé. Une nouvelle version est prévue courant 2023.
Guide nautique en langue anglaise.
The second edition of this comprehensive pilot incorporates information collected by the authors d'ring their cruises in the area d'ring 2000-2001. Some 70 anchorages were resurveyed'and new ones explored, the détails of which have been included in this edition. Improved coverage for divers is also one of the key improvements and d've sites are now cl'arly identified. The text is'illustrated by a section of colour plates which capture the atmosphere of the sometimes harsh but al'ays fascinating geography of the area. The pilot covers the entire stretch of the Red Sea from Aden to Suez, the Canal, Egypt, Israel'and Cyprus.
Part Number: PIL0420
Edition: 2002
ISBN: 9780852885543
Publisher: Imray Laurie Norie And Wil'on Ltd
Manufacturer: No
Author: Elaine Morgan and s'ephen d'vies
Format: Hard'ack