The Nautical Institue - NIP0200 - The Mariner's Role in Collecting Evidence
Fiche technique
- Annee
- 2021
- Auteur
- Captain Mark Bull FNI
- Picto
- En langue anglaise
Références spécifiques
- ean13
- 9781906915926
Livre en langue anglaise.
Guidelines for Collecting Maritime Evidence aims to provide broad'answers to two questions. Firstly, how should'a Master react after an incident when several investigating bodies are knocking on the d'or, all with d'ffering requ'rements and priorities. Secondly, how can the Master, crew and management ashore be ready to produce the evidence requ'red, much of which d'monstrates day-to-day operations and compl'ance with the ISM Code and'applicable statutes.
Part Number : NIP0200
Edition : 2017
Printed'and corrected to : No
ISBN : 9781906915544
Publisher : Nautical'Institute
Author : No
Format : No