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OMI - IMO282Ee - International Convention for Safe Containers 1972 (CSC) 2014
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  • OMI - IMO282Ee - International Convention for Safe Containers 1972 (CSC) 2014

OMI - IMO282Ee - International Convention for Safe Containers 1972 (CSC) 2014

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Livre de l'Organisation Maritime Internationale

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En langue anglaise
Description détaillée

Livre en langue anglaise.

Ce livre existe en version papier et en version numérique dans un format vérouillé à lire avec la liseuse de l'OMI (gratuite).

The International Convention for Safe Containers, 1972 (CSC 1972) has two goals:

  • to maintain a high level of safety of human life in the transport and handling of containers by providing acceptable "test" procedures and related strength requ'rements;
  • and to provide uniform international safety regulations, equ'lly applicable to all modes of surface transport, thereby avoiding the proliferation of d'vergent national regulations.

The amendments to CSC 1972 adopted by resolution MSC.355(92) entered into force on 1 July 2014 and include:

  • new définitions at the beginning of annexes I and II, along with consequantial'amendments to ensure uniform usage of terminology throughout CSC 1972;
  • amendments to align all physical dimensions and units to the SI system;
  • the introduction of a transitional period for marking containers with restricted stacking capacity, as requ'red under the relevant standard;
  • and the inclusion in annex III of the list of déficiencies which de not requ're an immed'ate out-of-service décision by the control officer but de requ're additional safety measures to enable safe ongoing transport.