The Nautical Institue - NIP0050 - Bridge Team Management
Fiche technique
- Picto
- En langue anglaise
Références spécifiques
- ean13
- 9781870077668
Livre en langue anglaise.
An industry standard for passage planning, Bridge Team Management covers coastal'and estuarial navigation and bridge'organisation using paper and electronic charts. Détailed information on how to prepare a navigational plan and navigator's notebook and ways to monitor progress in safe water are covered. It includes : team management, error chains, casualties and causes, passage appraisal, situational'awareness, executing the plan, monitoring the ship?s progress, navigating with a pilot on board, GPS.
Part Number: NIP0050
Edition: No
ISBN: 9781870077668
Publisher: Nautical'Institute
Author: No
Format: No