Fiche technique
Références spécifiques
Ouvrage en langue anglaise.
The 777 pilot Book Series has been prepared in the tradition of the'ancient portolans (pilot charts), that used to include charts, chartlets and also d'scriptions of harbours and shelters.
As a result, users today have an authoritative, comprehensive and useful tool to navigate in safety whilst maximising enjoyment.
Our strengths are:
We personally visit all the moorings and anchorages, and their surroundings;
We have a network of on-the-ground researchers to collect information and provide updates;
We include suggestions of onshore itineraries and services useful to yachtsmen;
We provide a telephone helpline for assistance;
We provide video tutorials of the main ports and anchorages.
144 Colour pages
A4 Format
Paperback Binding
31 General Charts
95 Nautical plans
Part Number: PIL1523
Edition: 2021
ISBN: ISBN : 9788862000673
Publisher: Edizioni Magnamare
Language: English
Author(s): Dario Silvestro, Marco Sbrizzi, piero Magnabosco
Author: No
Format: Paperback