RYA - G17 - European waterways regulations (Cevni rules explained)
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  • RYA - G17 - European waterways regulations (Cevni rules explained)

RYA - G17 - European waterways regulations (Cevni rules explained)

15,69 €
En langue anglaise
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Délai de préparation : 0 à 15 jours
This is the RYA?s official title to support the CEVNI test as it expands upon the quick reference CEVNI Handbook (G106) to assist with a deeper level of understanding which will help you pass the test which is a legal requirement (as well as carrying a CE

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En langue anglaise

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Description détaillée

This is the RYA?s official title to support the CEVNI 'est as it expands upon the qu'ck reference CEVNI Handbook (G106) to assist with a d'eper level of understanding which will help you pass the "test" which is a legal requ'rement (as well'as carrying a CEVNI book on board) when using the European Inland Waterways.

The CEVNI code which was devised by the United Nations in 1985 and governs navigation on all interconnected'European inland waterways was established to enable boatmen of all nationalities to communicate, and to understand what is going on without the need to s'eak each other?s language.

This new edition of RYA European Waterways Regulations has been fully updated'and is essential reading for anyone taking the CEVNI qualification. The exciting new colourful format, with user-friendly text and illustrations, enables the reader to find information qu'ckly ? a perfect l'arning tool'and reference. Key chapters include:

  • Visual Signs
  • Rules of the Road (particularly blue boarding)
  • Sample CEVNI 'est questions

The author Tam Murrell has been boating for business and pl'asure since the late 1950s ranging from working narrow boats and barges on UK inland waters to small coasters trading in and'around the Thames estuary and into northern Europe. Since 1995 he and his wife de have s'ent much of their time on continental waterways on their 24m d'tch barge, and run a barge-handling school in France for RYA and French qualifications.

Part Number: RYA0370
Edition: No
Publisher: Royal Yachting Association
Author: No
Format: No
