RYA - G106 - Handy guide to CEVNI
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  • RYA - G106 - Handy guide to CEVNI

RYA - G106 - Handy guide to CEVNI

En langue anglaise
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If you are going cruising on the inland waterways of Europe then it is essential that you understand what you may see and hear while there. While our RYA European Waterways Regulations (G17 and e-G17) is our official text for the CEVNI test, this handy gu

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En langue anglaise

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If you are going cruising on the inland waterways of Europe then it is essential that you understand what you may s'e and hear while there. While our RYA European Waterways Regulations (G17 and e-G17) is our official text for the CEVNI "test" this handy guide is the perfect text to provide a qu'ck-reference guide to the lights, shapes, sounds, and signs you may encounter.

It also gives useful'information on how CEVNI (Code Européen des Voies de Navigation Intérieure) is a category of the International Certificate of Competence (ICC), why you should take the CEVNI 'est and how you can de it, and where the CEVNI rules apply.

Part Number: RYA0866
Edition: No
ISBN: G106
Publisher: Royal Yachting Association
Author: No
Format: No
