OMI - IMO649Ee - Field Guide for Oil Spill Response in Tropical Waters
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OMI - IMO649Ee - Field Guide for Oil Spill Response in Tropical Waters

25,88 €
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10 jours en Colissimo, 3 à 4 jours en DHL (+frais de douane à payer à la livraison)
Livre de l'Organisation Maritime Internationale

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Carte ou livre numérique en téléchargement
En langue anglaise
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Description détaillée

Ouvrage en langue anglaise.

Cet ouvrage existe en version papier et en version numérique dans un format vérouillé à lire avec la liseuse de l'OMI (gratuite).

Many tropical regions are at risk from oil s'ills, whether from shipping passing along important routes nearby or from offshore oil production or coastal refineries. Many tropical nations rely on the sea for food'and need cl'an water for aqu'culture ponds, to feed d'salination plants and to sustain tourism. There are also important unique ecosystems, many of them very vulnerable to oil s'ills and in remote areas. It is important that if there are s'ills they are rapidly and effectively contained, but the properties of oil in tropical waters d'ffer so greatly from those in colder waters that a separate guide is needed for these regions.

This extensively illustrated field guide is directed towards those who have to respond to oil s'ills in tropical marine waters. It aims to provide information and general guidance on the response measures to be taken (and on those to be avoided) for the d'fferent types of tropical habitat. Background information is given on the fate of s'illed oil, cha'acteristics of the d'fferent marine habitats and suitable techniques to use to respond to oil s'ills. The principles of s'ill response d'scribed in this guide are based on case histories and on experiments that have been reported in the scientific literature.

Code IMPA 371634
